Established 2008
Making Hajj, Umrah and a visit to Al Aqsa Al Mubarak affordable, accessible and a reality for all Muslims in Southern Africa for the pleasure of Allah Azza Wa Jal is our mission. Founded in 2008 and registered as a section 21 company in South Africa (Not for Personal Gain). The journey of Hajj is an obligatory religious duty that must be carried out at least once in their lifetime by all adult Muslims who are physically and financially capable of undertaking the journey. Moreover, Muslims regard Hajj as an ultimate spiritual enhancement worship that needs to be performed according to the Sunnah of our most beloved Nabi Sayyidina Muhammed (SAW).
Regrettably, the cost of the Hajj pilgrimage increases every year and with this in mind, KAPS aim and objective is to make Hajj affordable to all and to serve every guest of Allah in the blessed lands without any personal motive or profit.
KAPS aspires to excel in offering the best pilgrimage to blessed and holy lands by providing and delivering high quality services (Khidmath) with dedication, sincerity, compassion and supreme care under the supervision of a panel of Ulama and experienced role players.
KAPS is also a member and signatory to the Code of Conduct of the South African Hajj and Umrah Council (SAHUC), International Air Transport Association (IATA) and South African Travel Operators Association (SATHUOA). KAPS supports this Code of Conducts and strives to incorporate its principles in its services to pilgrims.
Together with Ulama guidance and with offices in KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Town and Gauteng, we have a vision and mission to become a first class service orientated, value for money and a spiritually inclined service provider by managing and facilitating Hajj, Umrah and the visit to Jerusalem.
Our Mission
- To help increase Tauheed, Taqwa, practise of Islam and love for the blessed Sunnah in the life of the pilgrims.
- To spiritually empower the Hujjaj with Noor (light) of Tauheed in the hearts and minds of pilgrims.
- To strengthen the Imaan of pilgrims by creating opportunities to make Khidmath of humanity.
- To embrace the mission, values and teachings of Sayidina Muhammed (SAW) by living a life according to his noble Sunnah.
- To empower pilgrims to make Hajj, Umrah and a journey to Al Aqsa Al Mubarak a reality.
- To help pilgrims to fulfil the fifth pillar of Islam.
Our Pledge
- To provide a high quality service to all in order to enable our pilgrims and travellers to have a spiritual, empowering and inspiring pilgrimage.
- To strive to develop and create compassion, camaraderie amongst our pilgrims in order to create Allah consciousness and to fulfil a great pillar of Islam with sincerity.